Algemeen,  Inspiratie,  Liefde,  Spiritualiteit,  Tweelingzielen


Ever experienced the feeling that something major is on the horizon?
That feeling that change is in the air and you’re not grasping just yet what it is, but definitely that something is up, something that is making you feel alive and it is appearance will be eminent? And that this change is all a matter of Divine Timing…?

Well hallelujah, this feeling has been inside me ever since I experienced something life changing and which experience not everybody considers to be safe, good for you or legal for whatever reason.
During this experience I received Divine Power, Divine Wisdom and Divine Love. Which, if you would only just look at the words itself, is magic. This experience was not just for me, it was a group thing. And how grateful am I for having been able to experience this with them.
It was so intense, full of bliss and jaw dropping, that I soon will go back. Back to see what it can bring me next, what I need to keep ascending on my path. This was my first experience and it has learned me a lot about who I am, where I came from and clarified a lot of mysteries that I was wrapped up in.

What this experience was?
In January this year I did a plant ceremony.

Some of you are familiar with it, some are not.
A plant ceremony uses an abstract of a plant as a medicine for your soul. You will get in touch with whatever Madre brings you. As a friend said: ‘You might not get what you ask, but you will definitely get what you need.’

So here I stood a little nervous, not sure if this was the right step to take (ego talking), but still that feeling inside me that this was where I was meant to be.
The people that I met there, were all in search of something. Some of them didn’t know exactly what, some of them were very resolute about their intentions. As was I.

I wanted to be healed physically, I wanted to know about a certain connection and last but definitely not least I wanted to know and understand who my Pure Self is. The One that is beneath all these layers, the soul that sits in this body and the energy that it holds deep within.

And boy, did I get the answers!
At first I had a complete check up of my body, where the vibrations that went through my body were releasing and healing my body on a cellular level.
After this physical healing I was aware of a being that surrounded me. However, I could not get to see who or what it was. A little frustrated some name popped up in my head and, as you all might expect, it was the name of my Twin Flame. I wondered why his name suddenly was in my mind. And Madre explained lovingly: ‘It is something that you want to know, isn’t it?’ Uhm yes… And so I asked all the unanswered questions that had been lingering in my head for quite some time.
On one hand it took me by surprise, on the other I have known everything for a very long time.

So this is what Divine Power feels like…

After this I was guided by the music to a magical rain forest. I saw the sunbeams coming through the beautiful trees and vines hanging between them. It was a wonderful green sight. All the while hearing the sounds of the tropical birds and other animals in the background.

My magical rain forest.

My eyes closed and I found myself in my early years. I have recently been in therapy for inner child healing and Madre showed me that the therapy had actually made a start with healing my inner child. This child was happy, playful and full of laughter. It was quite endearing to watch.
Then I saw myself as a youngster who was feeling pretty low and dark. I was surprised, because I did not recognize that I had been in such a low vibration at that age. I hugged myself and saw some light peered in.
Madre flew through my sight and she was breathtakingly beautiful. I wanted to follow her, but she ushered that I needed to stay and wait. Madre said: ‘You wanted to know who you are. Just look a little deeper and you will see…’

The light that was coming through grew brighter. And I saw this beautiful female like appearance coming forth. It was brilliant white, with a yellow glow to it. It was breathtaking to look at. The light that this appearance emitted was a sight for sore eyes. It was bright, but not in a way it hurt your eyes. It felt like unconditional love, understanding, tranquility and tenderness.
‘Remember,’ Madre said, ‘You will get there, keep peeling your layers. I believe in you.’

And so I tried my best to clear and purge.
I purged like I had never purged before. Even my neighbor laughed at me while saying: ‘Aren’t you finished already?!’ Which was quite funny, because right at that time I was purging the female lineage of my family. I wasn’t even purging for myself anymore. And that is what it is all about: purifying yourself from lower 3D vibrations, so you will be able to purge for the collective. So, no, I was not finished…

So this was knowing and understanding more about me, myself and I and everyone involved. It was Divine Wisdom…

By this time I was pretty exhausted, but we were not finished just yet: the final stage of the ceremony.
I laid back and waited for what was to come next. And what happened right there and then was not what I expected at all.

My Twin Flames Higher Self arrived, which made me so happy. We were so wrapped up in each other that it felt like he was really there. I felt his arms around me, I felt his body lying next to me. And many beautiful memories were relived.
Never ever have I had an experience that felt so real, so full of love, so full of trust, so full of energy and so full of Kundalini Rising in a meditative state. It was not something you can describe, it can just be felt.

And this is what they call Divine Love.

So whether you believe in God (or whatever your religion is) or not: we are all Divine Beings.
We are infinite souls living a 3D experience that gives us lessons and teachings that we have chosen ourselves.
The moment you wake up from this 3D matrix, your ascension begins and when you understand your higher purpose, you will never be the same again. You will start to shine, you are not able to go back to sleep, you have been given the opportunity to start to embody your Pure Self.

This means that it is time for you to wake up. Whether it is through something you read, something you hear or something you experience. It is time to rise and shine. Shine your light in the darkness. Take the red pill.
I will do my best to keep my light bright. Change (in whatever form) is on the horizon, I can feel it in my body, mind and soul.

Neo, as always I am keeping the faith.

Your Trinity

Een vrolijke, spirituele Leeuw, koningin van mijn grootste liefde én moeder van 4 olifantjes. Dol op yoga, films, schrijven, dansen, zingen, reizen, natuur, tuinieren, eten, lesgeven en op pad gaan met mijn generaal of draak. Altijd op spirituele ontdekking, altijd open voor groei en vooral trots op mijn eigen paradijsje. "Alles is liefde"...

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